RIBACPD.com indexes over 1,000 pieces of high-quality construction-related CPD materials, assessed and approved by RIBA, and specifically created for architects and specifiers by members of the RIBA CPD Providers Network.
There are over 500 RIBA CPD Providers offering free or low-cost technical specification CPD, either face to face or online. You can book CPD directly with RIBA CPD Providers, or by using the booking form, which will send an automated, pre-populated email to them. The Provider will then get in touch with you directly to arrange your booking. You can also book events exclusively through RIBA CPD Providers that are hosted by RIBA. They offer you a full day of CPD, or a lunchtime, with a range of online and in-person events to choose from.
For architects or other CPD users who would like more information about CPD requirements and RIBA-assessed CPD, please contact RIBA on 0207 307 5355 or email support@riba.org.
If you’re a manufacturer and would like further information about joining the RIBA CPD Providers Network, please contact us on 0345 200 1056 or email manufacturers@theNBS.com.
If you have a question or wish to provide feedback about the site, please call our Customer Service team on 0345 456 9594 or email info@theNBS.com.
The RIBA CPD Providers Network has more than 500 members who are experts in the construction industry. They deliver continuing professional development (CPD) approved by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) to architects and other specifiers.
Members of the RIBA CPD Providers Network are manufacturers, suppliers, training companies and advisory organizations that undergo a stringent assessment process by RIBA. This process ensures that their CPD materials meet the highest standards of quality and integrity, providing architects and specifiers with the requisite assurance.
RIBA CPD Providers’ materials focus on technical information, helping to educate and inform specifiers about construction products and how to specify them, while covering topics within the RIBA Core Curriculum.
RIBA CPD Providers offer a wide choice of material types and formats, from factory tours to podcasts, to the most popular – seminars. Seminars are often available in-person (as live, online sessions that can be booked directly with the provider via RIBACPD.com) and as on-demand webinars. Members can also present at exclusive RIBA CPD events hosted by RIBA – both in-person and online Expos and RIBA CPD Hours (live webinars).
All RIBA Chartered Members are required to undertake and record CPD each year as evidence that they are taking organised steps to maintain their competence through continuous learning.
This is what they are expected to do:
· Carry out at least 35 hours of relevant learning each year.
· Carry out at least 20 of the 35 hours on the ten mandatory RIBA Core Curriculum CPD topics (two hours per topic per year).
· Ensure that half of their CPD is structured where possible, whether this is a face-to-face course or online.
· Record CPD activities using the RIBA online CPD recording tool, including the requirement to reflect on each learning activity.
· Have their member records audited on RIBA’s online recording platform to check compliance.
The UK’s regulatory body for architecture, the Architects Registration Board (ARB), also requires CPD evidence from all registered architects. Any architect who records their CPD on the RIBA platform in a way that satisfies RIBA’s requirements will have also complied with ARB requirements. For more information, visit www.architecture.com and www.arb.org.uk.
How do I create an account?
To create an account on RIBACPD.com, you will first need to register for an NBS ID. You can access our sign up page here.
I've forgotten my password; how can I sign in?
If you forget your password, you can reset it on the sign-in screen. Enter the email address linked with your NBS ID and we'll send you instructions to reset your password.
How do I view a list of the CPD that I have accessed?
You can see all of the CPD that you've accessed on your 'My CPD History' page. Once you sign in, click on your profile icon in the header and you'll see an option for 'My CPD History'.
How do I become a RIBA CPD Provider?
You can find everything you need to know about how to become a RIBA CPD Provider here.