Established in 1988, A1 Shutters Limited, UK company registration 02323242 trading as the A1S Group is a leading manufacturer, installer and global exporter of fire and smoke curtains and fire shutters. We hold over 55 test reports and certifications. We install in the UK under third party UKAS accredited installer schemes for BOTH fire and smoke curtains AND fire shutters under IFC schemes SDI 05 and SDI 17. Recent project successes include, the RIBA Prize winning Bloomberg Building in London, World Cup stadia in Qatar, Goldmann Sachs' European Headquarters, Facebook Dublin and Google in London. Uniquely we manufacture BOTH steel fire shutters and fabric fire and smoke curtains and again uniquely in the UK have fire tested BOTH product ranges to rigid (steel and masonry) AND flexible (timber and stud) systems with Warrington Fire.
The A1S Group is certified to ISO 9001 (2015), Construction Line Gold, SMAS (SSIP) and is a member of the Association of Specialist Fire Protection. The A1S Group sit on the ASFP's Technical Group 7 and regularly liaise with Building Control, Test Houses and industry specialists. The company regularly publishes a series of helpful and informative technical blogs at https://a1sgroup.com/blog-1 and similarly benefits from an experienced sales team who are always happy to spend time with the wider architectural community during project design and development stage.