Landmark Geodata
Landmark Geodata delivers property related environmental risk information, geospatial data managed services, digital mapping, online analysis tools, data services and consultancy – for property professionals who want the most up-to-date information.
Our geospatial data unlock value in every industry by providing property and environmental insight to help you make the right decisions for your clients. Our range of data products and expert-led services are informed by decades of experience and designed to give you the clarity to drive every land and property project forward with confidence.
We provide property professionals with up-to-date and accurate information to support their decision-making processes. Our extensive experience and partnerships with industry leaders such as Ordnance Survey, the Environment Agency, the Coal Authority, and the British Geological Survey enable us to offer the most reliable and precise data and information.
How we can help you
Landmark helps those looking to buy land, design or build a development, manage a redevelopment project, sell or lease land or property, invest in or secure funding, undertake compliance and more by providing a wealth of location intelligence that can be relied on.
With the largest repository of professional mapping and data in the UK, Landmark provides access to a wide range of maps, data and services including:
Landmark offers services to all land and property data professionals, from start-ups, SME, mid-sized, to multi-national enterprise plus all elements of local and central government, infrastructure and utilities.
Training programmes
We also offer comprehensive training in-person, in a group or online. Our CPD courses are delivered at your office by a Promap Account Manager.
Promap accreditation programme
Brand new for this year, our Promap Accreditation programme will help property professionals to stand out. To to become Promap accredited, you will be required to watch the following four Promap educational training videos in one calendar month.
Once you have watched these four videos, you will be given the option to take a test and if you score 70% or more, you will receive your Promap certificate and badge to showcase your knowledge on your CV and LinkedIn account.
“Using the Digital Utilities Overview Plan from Envirocheck has freed up a lot of man hours that we’d otherwise spend sifting through various bits of information. But more than that, it’s given us all peace of mind so that we’re no longer relying on a process that’s vulnerable to human error.”
James Dennis
Project Manager, Land & Water
“Exolum was looking at around 10 planning applications per month, manually. But with Planning Alerts’ automation, Exolum has the reassurance of knowing nothing will be missed. Over the last six months or so, we’ve seen a justified increase of around 50% in the number of planning applications that needed further examination. This is decreasing the risk to the infrastructure, significantly.”
Sam Parton, Partner, Fisher German
‘’I really like the planning and flooding layers as this is an excellent source of easy to access information. These are two layers that makes Promap stand out as being the first place I would go to obtain this information. Trawling through the council websites is a pain to obtain this information, so this saves me a considerable amount of time.’’
James Day, Hamptons International
‘’I can’t remember not using Promap to be honest – it’s been the application I always revert to in order to identify and measure sites, pinpoint locations calculate distances between places and calculate a distance radius from a given target.’’
Stephen Salloway FRICS, Managing Director, Salloway Property Consultants
Business, clients and services, Design, construction and technology
Sustainable architecture, Design, construction and technology