K Rend Silicone Coloured Renders

Using Modern Renders: Key Decisions & Best Practice

Face to Face Seminar
Online Seminar
Design, construction and technology


The CPD is an overview of moderns renders and the factors affecting your build choices and achieving and superior, problem free finish. It explains the types and benefits of modern renders, and the key standards and building regulations which regulate the build process when using renders. It discusses the design considerations when using renders including the type of build, substrate and exposure location. It covers the detailing advice and range of aesthetics to achieve the style and flair which the architect desires. It also covers the certifications and warranties available for reassurance and protection. Finally, it will take you through best practice techniques before and during the build process and provide a range of case studies to help with design inspiration and practical results.

Face to Face Seminar

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Online Seminar

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