Delta Membrane Systems Ltd

Waterproofing Below Ground Structures

Face to Face Seminar
On-demand webinar
Online Seminar
Design, construction and technology, Legal, regulatory and statutory compliance


This CPD presentation introduces Architects/Designers/Specifiers with a technical insight into approaches to structural waterproofing. Introducing designers with the elements and considerations a waterproofing design specialist will use to develop a robust waterproofing solution that meets the criteria of BS 8102:2022, the British Standard for the waterproofing industry.

Topics include: What are Types A, B & C (the different forms of structural waterproofing systems available in the UK market) and how to achieve the environmental grades outlined within British Standard 8102:2022.

A focus on how combination waterproofing systems are specified in below-ground structures in order to achieve the desired environmental grade, along with remedial approaches to design out risk.

By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:

- The importance of BS 8102:2022 and how to design waterproofing system which meets requirements

- The tools and techniques for understanding types of waterproofing systems - Types A, B & C

- Combination waterproofing

- The techniques for maintaining the continuity of the waterproofing system

- Design Principles.

Other CPD materials
